DigiCred Case Study: Graphic Design, Sales Support Materials, Strategy and Content

DigiCred is a B2B SaaS company delivering cryptographically secure digital credentials. Find out how Ellison Ellery helped DigiCred win over investors and new customers. 


About DigiCred:

DigiCred is a B2B SaaS company delivering cryptographically secure digital credentials. DigiCred is an innovative company offering state agencies including the DMV, and colleges/universities verifiable authenticated credentials.

DigiCred Digital Driver’s License will provide US residents enhanced security, privacy, including contactless ways to verify identity and age. State residents will be able to storing all of their state licenses, car registration, insurance, and university transcripts, along with related IDs in their digital wallet.  

US residents will be able to easily change their mailing address, keep their information up to date, and will not have to worry about a lost, stolen, or misplaced ID. Digital driver’s licenses take the sting out of forgetting your wallet.

How We Helped:

DigiCred approached Ellison Ellery with a bold vision to combine approachability with innovation as they pioneer a new era of global digital trust.

DigiCred is in the pre-seed stage, actively looking to start raising capital while working with States and educational institutions to get them to launch cryptographically secure digital credentials.

Ellison Ellery was hired to help create sales support materials, from investor pitch decks to presentations to developing sales sheets to help with business development.


  • Sales Support Materials / Sales Enablement Materials
  • Graphic Design
  • Visual Identity
  • Strategy, Messaging, and Content Development

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What is Sales Enablement?

First, we’ll dive deeper into the definition of sales enablement to better explain why you should dedicate your valuable time to doing it. 

In actuality, sales enablement materials look different for every organization. But at its core, sales enablement is the process of providing materials to a team of sales professionals to help them sell better, faster, and smarter.

76% of organizations see an increase in sales between 6% and 20% by implementing a solid sales enablement strategy.

This is why as a first step, we focused on creating sales enablement materials for DigiCred. We wanted to arm their Sales Consultants with the best materials to help them close deals and drive the business revenue quickly.

Why is Sales Enablement Important?

Sales is the backbone of your business. Without sales, no revenue; and without revenue, no business.

That’s why, between 2016 and 2017, the number of companies with a dedicated enablement person, program, or function jumped from 19% to 59%. That’s a 210% increase in one year! 

And there’s good reason for that.

How Sales Enablement Helps:

  • Save heaps of time.
    If you standardize sales materials, onboarding documents, and processes, your sales associates won’t have to go on a scavenger hunt looking for presentations, pitch decks, product details, and pricing.
    Bonus Tip: Avoid letting your sales team create these materials from scratch. As a fast-paced department, they are often in a rush – leading to bad quality materials with mistakes. Reach out to Ellison Ellery to help your team develop the right set of materials to grow your business.

  • Track & improve your sales content.
    Standardizing content and materials makes measuring their performance much easier. You can find out what works and doesn’t and craft your materials to perform at their best. Then, your entire team can rely on the most effective resources to dramatically increase their closing rates. 

  • Capitalize on insights and talents from other departments.
    There’s a goldmine of insights scattered throughout your organization that could help your sales team close more deals. Leverage the data your marketing team gathers on the performance of their ads and emails or the complaints your customer service team hears in the Twitter trenches. Don’t forget that different departments have different talents.
    Bonus tip: Your marketing team is probably also much better at whipping up high-quality content that’s going to impress your leads. Marketing should own a larger portion of your sales funnel. They shouldn’t stop at generating the lead, but instead help you make the buyer more sales-ready.

  • Enable the whole organization to sell better.
    Not just your salespeople are selling – your customer service team is selling, too. They play a big part in retention, upselling, and cross-selling. By providing sales materials across the company, they can benefit from these, too, and keep making deals across the entire customer journey.

  • Remove friction in the sales process and provide a seamless customer experience.
    The consistency of your sales materials directly affects your customers’ experience. Streamlining your sales materials across your organization ensures you’re transmitting the same message throughout the entire customer experience. You can remove any obstacles in the sales process and make the buying experience as smooth as can be. 

  • Coach your leads through the buying process with intelligent buyer interactions.
    With Sales Enablement processes in place, you can start testing and optimizing your content across the buyer’s journey and guarantee your sales reps can give your leads exactly what they need at each stage of the sales cycle. 

  • Minimize mistakes.
    By centralizing all sales materials and providing your team with automation tools like CRMs, you’ll drastically reduce the number of mistakes in presentations, pitches, or logged information about leads. You’ll also minimize the chances of your sales reps working with outdated information like offers that already expired. 

  • Improve your lead qualification process.
    With your sales and marketing teams working together, you can start drawing in more qualified leads and identify them more quickly.

  • Level up your sales rep’s skills.
    By providing training, coaching, and resources for your sales team, they’ll keep leveling up their skills — and not just with the latest frameworks and techniques, but also by brushing up on the basics. Is your team leveraging video selling? Does your sales process include reaching out to prospects through multiple channels, including text, email, social, and call/voicemail?

Sales Enablement Implementation Tips:

How to turn your sales and marketing teams into a revenue powerhouse?

Here are the next steps to take to transform your sales and marketing departments into one badass revenue team:

  • Set mutually agreed-on written goals across the marketing and sales department. In this way, both departments are on the same page on what needs to be achieved what’s most important, and can join forces to achieve those goals.

  • Map out the customer journey from unaware to a closed deal. This will help your teams get the full scope of what they’re doing and think beyond their own department. It’ll also help you identify at what stages collaborating is key to making a lead convert.

  • Implement systems and processes to track metrics across the buyer’s journey. Do this by unifying the systems used across the sales and marketing departments.

  • Make it easy to share information between the departments. By providing a shared way of communicating and sharing systems and folders across the board.

  • Celebrate wins jointly. If the sales team wins, everyone wins! The same counts for marketing of course. Reminding everyone of the fact that we’re all working towards the same goals.

Work with Ellison Ellery to Redesign Your Marketing Materials and Sales Enablement Materials

At Ellison Ellery, we have years of experience removing friction in the buyer’s journey and helping businesses eliminate challenges preventing them from scaling.

Temporary fixes aren’t enough—schedule a quick consultation with us to start making real, targeted changes to bring in more sales!

Moving Forward

With the help of their newly created marketing sales support materials, DigiCred will be able to capture the attention of countless more customers and pursue additional funding opportunities.

We are excited to continue to help DigiCred grow! If you would like to chat with us about helping your business grow, be sure to reach out.

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