Magnet Remodeling
How We Helped Them 3x Their Revenue in Six Weeks
Set Up Sophisticated Automations: Connected CRM, Zoom, Calendly, and Email System

Created Folder to Include Marketing Collateral

Created Paid Media Offers, Landing Pages and Downloadables
We created the strategy, wrote the copy, wrote and designed the Home Renovation Checklist. We connected this form to their CRM, and created a set of emails to nurture the prospective customer to want to learn more about their business.
We also created a set of videos to promote this offer and downloadable checklist.

New Brand Identity
We gave Magnet Remodeling a modern look with a refreshed logo and new branding guide.

Social Media

Thank You Cards

Car Wraps

Videos We Developed for Magnet Remodeling
These videos were used on social media, on their website, and some were available from their emails.
A&R Meridian